
All my life, I've waited for the great adventurer to offer me a place at his side." - Marco Polo

Here’s your first look at the cracking new trailer for Netflix’s latest original series, Marco Polo, which also just so happens to feature Hozier’s latest track, ‘Arsonist's Lullabye’. The video is worth watching just for that alone…

Here’s what Netflix had to say about the trailer: ‘In a world replete with greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry, Marco Polo, starring newcomer Lorenzo Richelmy, is based on the famed explorer’s adventures in Kublai Khan’s court in 13th century China.’
The Netflix original series will premiere at 8:01am Irish time on 12 December 2014, so keep an eye out for it then. It's sure to be a good watch...


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